Ruth A. Driedger, Artist
Acrylic Paintings for Sale

"Zebra" 18x24

Acrylic on Canvas

"Zebra" 18x24

September 2023 FOR SALE


I really enjoy painting animals, with all the subtleties of shading and directions of fur, etc. Love painting their eyes. And I've wanted to paint wild animals, but until now I just felt it wasn't really "legitimate" for me to do so, since I really had nothing to do with them.

Until...a dear friend of mine took me on a wonderful drive through the African Lion Safari in Cambridge, ON. Oh yes! I took so many pictures...of lions, rhinos, bison, giraffes, kangaroos, and zebras, to name a few.

So, here is my first painting of an African animal. This zebra graced us with her presence as she wandered close to the car.

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